Serves 4 (appetizer/first dish)
50g butter
500g (1 pound) potatoes
400g (0.9 pound) leeks
Vegetable stock
Truffle oil
250g (1/2 pound) crème fraiche
Pepper, salt & 2 bay leaves
Pink peppercorn
Sweet paprika powder (optional)
Peel & chop the potatoes. Wash & chop the leeks keeping only the white and slightly green parts. In a saucepan, fry the leeks until soft and golden, add bay leaves, potatoes, the vegetable stock and 750ml of water. Reduce heat and simmer for 45 minutes until the potatoes are tender. Remove bay leaves, cool down to 16-17°C, add the crème fraiche, salt and pepper to taste, and blend with a food processor until completely smooth. Serve in a bowl, decorate with sweet paprika powder (optional) and pink peppercorn and drizzle with single-origin truffle oil.